Large language models, particularly those akin to the rapidly progressin...
In the contemporary landscape of social media, an alarming number of use...
Semantically coherent out-of-distribution (SCOOD) detection aims to disc...
Weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) is a challenging task aimin...
Grounding 3D object affordance seeks to locate objects' ”action
Camouflage is a common visual phenomenon, which refers to hiding the
Non-exemplar class-incremental learning is to recognize both the old and...
Affordance detection, which refers to perceiving objects with potential
Weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) aims to localize the object...
Visual affordance grounding aims to segment all possible interaction reg...
Affordance detection refers to identifying the potential action possibil...
Few-shot class-incremental learning is to recognize the new classes give...
Affordance detection refers to identifying the potential action possibil...
Few-shot segmentation aims at assigning a category label to each image p...
In this paper, we tackle one-shot texture retrieval: given an example of...