Real-time Ultrasound-enhanced Multimodal Imaging of Tongue using 3D Printable Stabilizer System: A Deep Learning Approach

by   M. Hamed Mozaffari, et al.

Despite renewed awareness of the importance of articulation, it remains a challenge for instructors to handle the pronunciation needs of language learners. There are relatively scarce pedagogical tools for pronunciation teaching and learning. Unlike inefficient, traditional pronunciation instructions like listening and repeating, electronic visual feedback (EVF) systems such as ultrasound technology have been employed in new approaches. Recently, an ultrasound-enhanced multimodal method has been developed for visualizing tongue movements of a language learner overlaid on the face-side of the speaker's head. That system was evaluated for several language courses via a blended learning paradigm at the university level. The result was asserted that visualizing the articulator's system as biofeedback to language learners will significantly improve articulation learning efficiency. In spite of the successful usage of multimodal techniques for pronunciation training, it still requires manual works and human manipulation. In this article, we aim to contribute to this growing body of research by addressing difficulties of the previous approaches by proposing a new comprehensive, automatic, real-time multimodal pronunciation training system, benefits from powerful artificial intelligence techniques. The main objective of this research was to combine the advantages of ultrasound technology, three-dimensional printing, and deep learning algorithms to enhance the performance of previous systems. Our preliminary pedagogical evaluation of the proposed system revealed a significant improvement in flexibility, control, robustness, and autonomy.


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