Jörg-Rüdiger Sack
Co-editor-in-chief of the journals Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications, and Journal of Spatial Information Science, and editor of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds., Awarded an industrial NSERC Chair in Applied Parallel Computing with a focus on spatial modeling 1996, Chair with participation by SUN Microsystems,2001, principal investigator in an R&D project supported in part by SUN and NSERC on developing an intelligent system for Geographic Information Services, SUN-HPCVL Chair, Project leader for the NCE(Networks of Centers of Excellence) Geoide, Founding member of and Carleton's leading scientist in the High Performance Computing Virtual Laboratory, Member of NSERC's Committee on Research Partnerships and a member of the Committee on Grants and Scholarships and has been Group Chair for Mathematics/Statistics/Computing and Information Sciences.